Spring-Clean Your UX : Improve Your Website
Spring is here! But have you checked on your website? Maybe it’s time to improve your website and we have some tips that could be just what your website needs in 2022.
1. Customize User Experiences
Whether your customer is viewing your site for the very first time or for the 10th time, it’s beneficial to customize their experience. Utilizing collected data, a business can recommend products, videos, and various other content to their users or create a customized homepage for each individual customer gives them a somewhat home base to go back to as they browse through your website.
In personalizing their experience using data we can even reach potential customers. In Ecommerce, this is especially beneficial when you can provide a customer with what they seek without them having to actually go and search for it. Essentially you are predicting their preferences for them to create an impactful experience.
2. “To The Point” UX Writing
In many cases decorating your designs with intricate wording and descriptive informational captions is a commonly seen style of UX writing in previous years. Yes, we want our users to hear the full back story of a product and understand each detail that goes into the functionality of a product, but in today’s world “to the point” is the goal.
UX writing needs to be concise, and tell the consumer what they need to know in a few direct sentences. Adding word decoration or “fluff” requires your consumers to commit time that generally most people just don’t have enough of.
Creating terminology for your users to easily decipher through your site or application adds to a “friendlier” usability experience as well. Often the way a hyperlink or navigation link is phrased can detour a user, for example, if a link to view another page on your site displays “Sign up and read our blog!” this can lead to the user leaving the site not wanting to make that commitment right away. Whereas when you phrase it to the point as something like “Read our Blog!” a user is more likely to click on that link and keep exploring.
Using as few words as possible in your article without losing information intended, and create a clear objective at the start for your users they have a higher likelihood of staying and browsing through the site. When you can communicate your brand’s goals, back story, and other points in an efficient manner, you can make a significant influence on your audience that will last.
3. Designing for Inclusivity
Designing for Inclusivity is key in 2022, and it’s essential in understanding the scope of all your possible audiences. When you keep in mind a variety of perspectives you are ensuring a broader interest rate than before.
When designers only create solutions from their perspective they limit their designs to a specific audience that shares the same perspective. Brands want their audience to broaden and always continue to expand, if you only have solutions for say 50% of your audience it may lose the interest of the other 50% completely. If we can address the problems of our entire audience why not do that?
In designing for inclusivity it’s important to acknowledge where exclusion is happening. Once you can identify that, it’s easier to identify and ensure your team pays attention to these points.
It’s important to gain knowledge from your diverse audience, understanding the points they have made and how their outlook can be recognized. Taking emphasis on the opinions and perspectives of your various audiences you end up gaining a larger audience.
4. Data through Visuals
People love to see the information being given to them, instead of only reading through the information you provide, a visual asset ensures the important content is known. When a user can visualize the data it becomes engaging for them. Methods such as creating animated infographics or bold imagery leads the eye of our user; it’s essentially a highlight. Often times people prefer to look at the highlights, as it’s a quicker read than a paragraph of informative text. However, these highlights can provide a preview to draw a user in.
Creating visualized data allows designers to convey complex concepts that may be misconstrued in solely text. Data visualization allows users to comprehend the material better. When users can easily comprehend the material it allows for quicker decision-making.
In Conclusion
When looking to improve your website it’s important to stay in the know of trends and tricks that you may be missing out on. The benefits a well-designed website can do for a business makes all the difference in continuing to grow your business.
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